Wednesday, March 24, 2010


this is what i look forward to coming home to everyday.... MY BED! i love this thing!


this is the "cool stick"!

good times at day camp!

enough said.


i just noticed that these were in our yard on monday! i really dont know how i missed them, but aren't they beautiful? and they smell so good! you can smell them from like 5 feet away.... <3


specer made a friend!!!

this little baby girl came into the nursery on sunday! she was so sweet!


my mom and stacie did a trithlon on saturday! very proud of them!

so, the athletes had numbers and stuff written in sharpie on their arms and legs. this guy had B.T.F written on his leg. i asked Nick what he though it stood for and he said "i dont know. big toe fungus?" obviously kdding, but still, i thought it was funny!


i know this picture stinks but this is what time i got into bed on friday night. i had a track meet that started at 4 pm and my AWESOME brother came all the way from pasadena to watch it and then he took me back with him to pasadena to watch my mom and stacy run in the triathlon the next day. it was good :)
p.s. my track meet went until like 8:30 pm. 4 hours....


we painted self portraits of ourselves in girl guards on thursday. haha, i tried, and i think it was a fail. can you guess which one is me???


new shoes.
my knee has been stupid so we decided to try some different shoes. these are them. i really like them. SO COMFORTABLE!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


we went to the olive garden for dinner and he loved the bread! he was stuffing his face with it! pretty much a "minnie me" :)
love him <3


spencer loves my pink blanket.... but i think its just because its super soft. at leat i hope it is. i mean, you really never know with this boy. but, he was carrying it around with him for like an hour and he takes his naps with it. he is so cute!


sundays are always good days. but this sunday was just so BEAUTIFUL! the sun was out, but it wasn't too hot. so i spent most of the day outside just writing, and relaxing. loved it!

this picture is of my ring and my skirt that i wore to church. it turned out cooler than i thought it would!


i got a couple of new skirts from old navy on saturday.... ON SALE!
+ a couple of shirts and sweaters
awesome :)


so, i really really really really love to take pictures of flowers. like, seriousy. they are just so pretty all the time, and they never fail me. I LOVE FLOWERS! and i also love going outside and just walking around looking for pretty flowers. i find it quite relaxing and enjoyable. so there.


oh english paper, why do you HATE me? i didn't do anyting to you, so i really don't understand.... sigh

end of story.


this is tweety bird! i painted this little guy at "color me mine" with my good friend Micah... she recently moved and i was thinking of her before i took this, so i just thought this would be a nice picture :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


this is a record that isnt even mine. it's nick's that he left in my room.... i dont know why but i really don't care cause i think its amazing and i like having it in my room. my knee is still being retarted and is worse today... blehhhhhhh.


my knee is retarted. i just dont know how else to express that in any other words.


this is a thing that hangs on my wall and i really like it so now you can like it too! :)


this was the second day of youth councils.... i found these flower at the coverts house. my uncle gave them to my aunt on their aniversary and i thought they were absolutely beautiful!


YOUTH COUNCILS! this was the meeting on friday night! it was amazing! they gave us glow sticks, and we had a great time of worship and it was all just so AMAZING! oh how i love youth councils :)


thursday night we went down to the corps at usual for the youth activities and after all of it is over me and cam have to go in the nursery to watch spencer. this chair was what he sat on :) hahaha he could have sat on the floor or the table (cause its like 2 feet tall for the little kiddos) but noooo.... hahaha this is great


ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh UGH!
i am getting so frusterated with my pictures! a;ohbpaoihfdaipoheiuoa

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


lately my picture have not been anywhere near creative what so ever and they pretty much have stunk. but, i kind of thought that this one was pretty nifty, so maybe this is a good sign? this is just a wind chime thats hangin outside in our backyard so i thought it would make a cool picture, and it didn't turn out as i had expected it to, but i kinda like it personally.


on monday, my friends came over to work on a project that we have to do for PE. we had a blast! oh man, i love them!
but, incase you were wondering, the project we had to do was a poster on one event in the olympics. it was pretty easy and we had fun while doing it. so now we're finished and are hoping to get an A on it!


well, on sunday i just chilled the whole day (meaning after church was over). pretty much watched the olympics (hockey and cross country skiing)and so this picture just shows what i was doing the whole day. sitting on my butt, my hair up in a messy bun that moved to the side of my head due to the fact that i was laying on it all day, and yea. i love those kind of days. :)
oh and we went to ihop later too so that made me extra happy!


as i mentioned in the post before this, spencer was at his dad's all weekend which meant that we could turn on the fireplace! yay! you see, with a baby at home, it's always hard to do stuff like that because you are constantly in fear that the baby will climb into the fire place (not good). and with spencer (who climbs on EVERYTHING!) we for sure do NOT want to take that chance. so, it was nice to have a little bit of freedom in this part of our lives. but we really did miss that little boy and cam at the house!


this is nothing special... at all.
but i finished another one of Nicholas Sparks' book on Friday. it was great! i was very satisfied with it!
p.s. today (tuesday)i finished another book of his called "the rescue". that one was also a good read!

oh and p.p.s. so this weekend, cameron went with my grandma to sacramento for my uncle's birthday and spencer went to his dad's house soooo it was just me and my madre all weekend! it was so nice and relaxing! we went to target, khols, coldstone, the moves (we saw "when in rome") and red lobser (with my grandma and her sister, my great aunt). we pretty much just chilled the rest of the time + watch some olympics (and that hockey game on sunday... MOST INTENSE GAME EVER...just sayin)


and these would be the girls and leaders from girl guards! oh how i love girl guards... it just makes me happy when i go every thursay night :) we have so much fun and our leaders are BOMB! :D
